Aragona Agency Lands Three 2020 Summit Creative Awards

Strategy outlines what a marketing program will do, tactics deal with how the strategy will be implemented, but it’s the creative that captures a target audience’s attention. Earlier this month, we were pleased to get the news that the creative output we delivered for two of our clients in 2020 was recognized for excellence by the Summit International Awards organization.

Aragona Agency has received three Summit Creative Awards for work completed in 2020:

  • A silver award for the rebranding of BriteSky Technologies
  • A silver award for the redesign of the BriteSky Technologies website
  • A bronze award for the Federal Bridge Corporation employee newsletter

This is recognition from our industry that the creative work we do delivers on the promise to position client brands clearly and effectively, and with just the right level of creative flair.

Our Creative Recognized

The Summit Creative Awards is an international competition that recognizes creative excellence by marketing agencies. For the 2020 awards, judges evaluated more than 4,100 submissions from 27 countries, including Australia, Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Winners were selected in 18 categories that included print, broadcast, interactive media, online advertising, marketing collateral, redesign, direct mail, corporate video, public service, and industry-specific marketing.

Aragona Agency creative was recognized with silver awards in the complete rebrand/redesign category and website redesign category for its work for BriteSky Technologies. Completed earlier this year, the creative work was to support the repositioning of BriteSky that started in 2019. BriteSky added cybersecurity solutions to its B2B market offerings as part of its transition from a cloud solutions provider to an enterprise technology solutions provider. Aragona Agency delivered a rebrand of the company, a new website, and completely revamped marketing material to reposition the company and its cloud provisioning and cybersecurity offerings.

The agency was also recognized with a bronze award in the newsletter category for the redesign of the Federal Bridge Corporation employee newsletter. Federal Bridge Corporation is responsible for operating four international bridges. Until 2019, its newsletter journals were internally produced. In 2019, the Corporation wanted to refine the structure and design of its newsletter to be more accessible and appealing to readers and fit with an overall collateral redesign that Aragona Agency was working on.

Peer-Reviewed and Awarded

Over the last 26 years, the Summit Creative Award has used rigorous evaluation criteria and top international judges to recognize the creative work of agencies around the world. Submissions are evaluated based on the strength of their big idea, the quality of execution, and their ability to persuade. A panel of international advertising professionals critiques entries in 18 major categories and winning entries receive a Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Best of Show award.

This year’s Summit Creative Award judges came from both large and small marketing agencies, and universities in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Iran, Italy, Kazakhstan, Sweden, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and the United States.

Commenting about the 2020 program, Jocelyn Luciano, managing director for the Summit International Awards, noted that “winning a Summit Creative Award is a significant accomplishment. With vetted judges, tough judging criteria, two-phase blind judging processes, and strict bylaws limiting winners, only deserving entries receive recognition.”

Building on Success

The creative awards Aragona Agency received this year from the Summit organization complement the Summit Marketing Effectiveness Awards the agency received two years earlier.

The Summit Marketing Effectiveness Award is an international competition that recognizes message- and results-driven marketing programs that contribute to an organization’s business goals. The award reinforces the idea that the goal of marketing and communications is to change, influence, or reinforce an audience’s knowledge, attitudes, or beliefs.

In 2018, Aragona Agency brought home three Summit Marketing Effectiveness Awards:

  • A Platinum award for a series of technology info briefs created for Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions
  • A Platinum award for a video produced for Solacom
  • A Silver award for a series of print ads developed for Solacom

An International Organization

The Summit Creative Awards and the Summit Marketing Effectiveness Awards programs are presented by the Summit International Awards organization. This independent group conducts international marketing awards each year to identify superior creative and effective marketing by agencies worldwide. Using stringent evaluation criteria and blind judging processes, its competitions reward only those firms whose work exemplifies the best in their class. The marketing team at Aragona Agency is proud to be counted among the winners of both awards.